Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed

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Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed: Ap. Villen Rubin

This lively holiday complex with in total 1,365 beds, built in the style of an Istrian fishing village, is located approx. 3km from Rovinj. The complex consists of 34 very simple rooms and 323 apartments. 226 apartments were completely renovated and refurnished a couple of years ago. The old and nonrenovated apartments are no longer offered by ID Riva. Details and Availability

Destination: Rovinj, Istarska, Istria, Croatia

Properties: Pets allowed

Source: Kroatien-idriva

Type: Apartment

Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed: Ap. Villen Rubin

Photo 1 of 5

Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed: Ferienanlage Amarin

<< 1-3 / 25 >>     P = Price per person W = Price per accommodation unit Details and Availability

Destination: Rovinj, Istarska, Istria, Croatia

Properties: Air Condition Pets allowed

Source: Kroatien-idriva

Type: Apartment

Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed: Ferienanlage Amarin

Photo 1 of 5

Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed: Ap. Amarin

<< 1-3 / 25 >>     P = Price per person W = Price per accommodation unit Details and Availability

Destination: Rovinj, Istarska, Istria, Croatia

Properties: Air Condition Pets allowed

Source: Kroatien-idriva

Type: Apartment

Apartment Rovinj Pets Allowed: Ap. Amarin

Photo 1 of 5

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