Garden City South Carolina

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Holiday Home Garden City South Carolina: Resort Bear Lake

Bear Lake is a beautiful rural, historical and recreational paradise shared by Idaho and Utah. Bear Lake is one of the largest natural lakes in the Western United States. Some call it the "Caribbean of the Rockies" for its intense turquoise blue water. 45 miles of paved road surround the lake giving you lots of site seeing and abundant public beach access. The Bear Lake valley was once considered only a recreational ... Details and Availability

Destination: Garden City South Carolina, South Carolina, United States

Source: Findrentals-com

Type: Holiday Home

Holiday Home Garden City South Carolina: Resort Bear Lake

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Holiday Home Garden City South Carolina: Bear Lake

Bear Lake is a beautiful rural, historical and recreational paradise shared by Idaho and Utah. Bear Lake is one of the largest natural lakes in the Western United States. Some call it the "Caribbean of the Rockies" for its intense turquoise blue water. 45 miles of paved road surround the lake giving you lots of site seeing and abundant public beach access. The Bear Lake valley was once considered only a recreational ... Details and Availability

Destination: Garden City South Carolina, South Carolina, United States

Source: Findrentals-com

Type: Holiday Home

Holiday Home Garden City South Carolina: Bear Lake

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